Soybean extracts and cosmetology
Soybean belongs to the legume family. It is one of the most ancient cultures. Its birthplace is East Asia. Soy is very rich in protein, so it has great nutritional value. The use of soy is completely waste-free. The composition of soybeans: 40% protein, 25% oil and 35% extractives (enzymes, sucrose, pectins, organic acids).
Useful properties of soy.
Soybean Extract is a huge source of various nutrients. It reduces the risk of cancer and endocrine diseases. Positively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract, as it does not contain cholesterol. In soybeans contain large amounts of proteins and minerals: iron, calcium, and potassium.
Soy extract and cosmetology.
In the production of cosmetics used hydrolyzed soy proteins. In other words, this means that soy proteins are destroyed by a special chemical method that are found in defatted soy flour. Only after this, it is hydrolyzed molecules that acquire the ability to penetrate the hair and skin. These molecules have excellent conditioning properties, filling the voids in the hair structure and restores them.
As for the soy extract in skin care, it has the property to smooth wrinkles and deeply moisturize the skin. In soy in a fairly large number contains the so-called isoflavone, it protects the skin from hormonal aging. Therefore, soy, most often part of the anti-aging cosmetics. Soybean extract perfectly moisturizes, nourishes, rejuvenates and regenerates the skin at the cellular level.
Also, soybean extract copes with such a problem as swelling and dark circles under the eyes. The skin around the eyes will become elastic, smooth and rested in appearance.
Since soy perfectly moisturizes the skin, it will perfectly cope with coarse and rough skin of hands and feet. Lotions and creams based on soybean extract soften and moisturize the skin and cope with mild forms of skin diseases.
This extract is for those who want to preserve youth and beauty. Youth cannot last forever, but we can extend the period of its active life! After 35 years, ovarian function begins to decline, which inevitably affects the state of organs and tissues: the skin gradually loses its elasticity, wrinkles and age spots appear; Changes occur in the nervous system: anxiety, mood swings and worsening of sleep; blood circulation, a menstrual cycle is broken, symptoms of osteoporosis or diseases of cardiovascular system are shown. Extract from soybeans contains special substances isoflavones; they have many useful properties for the body: regulate the level of hormones; prolong the activity of ovarian functions; relieve menopause symptoms; prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis; strengthen the cardiovascular system.
Soybean Extract isoflavones increase the duration of the menstrual cycle, thus delaying the onset of menopause and reduce the frequency of menopausal hot flashes by 45%. Alpha-lipoic acid, included in the extract, protects cells from energy "hunger," improves the condition of nerve cells, restores blood circulation, protects the liver. L-carnitine reduces the level of free fatty acids. It transfers excess fat to “cellular power stations” that ensure their burning. L-carnitine accelerates weight loss in diets. L-carnitine reduces the level of free fatty acids. It transfers excess fat to “cellular power stations” that ensure their burning. L-carnitine accelerates weight loss in diets. L-carnitine reduces the level of free fatty acids. It transfers excess fat to “cellular power stations” that ensure their burning. L-carnitine accelerates weight loss in diets.
Indications for use: imbalance of sex hormones, age-related changes, menopausal syndrome, premenstrual syndrome, various forms of obesity, abnormalities of the heart, liver and kidneys, weakening of muscle tissue, hypertension, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol in the blood, metabolic syndrome, osteoporosis poor skin condition, prevention of breast cancer, with postpartum mental disorder, prevention of cardiovascular diseases and senile dementia.
Like clover extract, soybean extract is antiandrogenically active: it fights the alpha reductase enzyme, which is responsible for the development of acne and hair loss. Due to this property, soy extract is used in the treatment of oily and problem skin, acne, oily seborrhea, and in therapeutic hair care products.
Soybean isoflavones also affect adipose tissue: they inhibit the development of fat cells and prevent the synthesis of fat. That is why in recent years, new active substances have been created on the basis of soy extract, which have anti-cellulite effects.
Useful properties of soy.
Soybean Extract is a huge source of various nutrients. It reduces the risk of cancer and endocrine diseases. Positively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract, as it does not contain cholesterol. In soybeans contain large amounts of proteins and minerals: iron, calcium, and potassium.
Soy extract and cosmetology.
In the production of cosmetics used hydrolyzed soy proteins. In other words, this means that soy proteins are destroyed by a special chemical method that are found in defatted soy flour. Only after this, it is hydrolyzed molecules that acquire the ability to penetrate the hair and skin. These molecules have excellent conditioning properties, filling the voids in the hair structure and restores them.
As for the soy extract in skin care, it has the property to smooth wrinkles and deeply moisturize the skin. In soy in a fairly large number contains the so-called isoflavone, it protects the skin from hormonal aging. Therefore, soy, most often part of the anti-aging cosmetics. Soybean extract perfectly moisturizes, nourishes, rejuvenates and regenerates the skin at the cellular level.
Also, soybean extract copes with such a problem as swelling and dark circles under the eyes. The skin around the eyes will become elastic, smooth and rested in appearance.
Since soy perfectly moisturizes the skin, it will perfectly cope with coarse and rough skin of hands and feet. Lotions and creams based on soybean extract soften and moisturize the skin and cope with mild forms of skin diseases.
This extract is for those who want to preserve youth and beauty. Youth cannot last forever, but we can extend the period of its active life! After 35 years, ovarian function begins to decline, which inevitably affects the state of organs and tissues: the skin gradually loses its elasticity, wrinkles and age spots appear; Changes occur in the nervous system: anxiety, mood swings and worsening of sleep; blood circulation, a menstrual cycle is broken, symptoms of osteoporosis or diseases of cardiovascular system are shown. Extract from soybeans contains special substances isoflavones; they have many useful properties for the body: regulate the level of hormones; prolong the activity of ovarian functions; relieve menopause symptoms; prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis; strengthen the cardiovascular system.
Soybean Extract isoflavones increase the duration of the menstrual cycle, thus delaying the onset of menopause and reduce the frequency of menopausal hot flashes by 45%. Alpha-lipoic acid, included in the extract, protects cells from energy "hunger," improves the condition of nerve cells, restores blood circulation, protects the liver. L-carnitine reduces the level of free fatty acids. It transfers excess fat to “cellular power stations” that ensure their burning. L-carnitine accelerates weight loss in diets. L-carnitine reduces the level of free fatty acids. It transfers excess fat to “cellular power stations” that ensure their burning. L-carnitine accelerates weight loss in diets. L-carnitine reduces the level of free fatty acids. It transfers excess fat to “cellular power stations” that ensure their burning. L-carnitine accelerates weight loss in diets.
Indications for use: imbalance of sex hormones, age-related changes, menopausal syndrome, premenstrual syndrome, various forms of obesity, abnormalities of the heart, liver and kidneys, weakening of muscle tissue, hypertension, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol in the blood, metabolic syndrome, osteoporosis poor skin condition, prevention of breast cancer, with postpartum mental disorder, prevention of cardiovascular diseases and senile dementia.
Like clover extract, soybean extract is antiandrogenically active: it fights the alpha reductase enzyme, which is responsible for the development of acne and hair loss. Due to this property, soy extract is used in the treatment of oily and problem skin, acne, oily seborrhea, and in therapeutic hair care products.
Soybean isoflavones also affect adipose tissue: they inhibit the development of fat cells and prevent the synthesis of fat. That is why in recent years, new active substances have been created on the basis of soy extract, which have anti-cellulite effects.
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