Schisandra, when and how to use it

The Schisandra is a plant adaptogen rich in lignans, useful against stress and to stimulate the heart and nervous system. Let’s find out better.
Property of Schisandra
Schisandra is above all an adaptogenic plant (ie it goes where there is need). Properties of Schisandra Chinensis Extract include the following:
  • Increases resistance to stress.
  • Stimulates the central nervous system.
  • Stimulates the heart: it is a vasodilator, normalizing blood pressure especially in respiratory insufficiencies.
  • Raise the immune system.
  • It has antioxidant, antitussive, antibacterial, expectorant properties.
  • It tends to regularize the gastric pH (one of the main targets of stress) by raising it when it is low and vice versa.
  • Stimulates the central nervous system with the improvement of reflexes, resistance and work capacity in healthy individuals.
  • Due to its antioxidant and protective properties of the liver cell, it is useful for reducing toxins produced by intense physical activity.
  • It plays an important role in the excesses of perspiration and therefore in the loss of mineral salts.
  • It is effective against bacteria associated with pulmonary disorders.
  • Normalizes the pressure, without altering normal or high pressure.
  • It gives good resistance to viral agents and infections.
  • Due to the presence of vitamin A and E, it improves the appearance of the skin.
  • The lignans present in it, prevent damage to the liver, stimulate recovery and regulate the release of gastric acids.
These effects are primarily attributable to lignans such as: schisandrina, schisandrolo, schisanterina and gomisina, or the active ingredients contained in schisandra and belonging to the class of phytoestrogens.
The lignans we find in Schisandra Chinensis Extract help to regenerate the liver tissue damaged by harmful influences, such as viral hepatitis and alcohol. Main active components is the essential oil present in fruits, volatile, composed of citral sesquicarere, citric acid, malic acid, tartaric acid in modest quantities, monosaccharides, resin, pectin, rich in vitamin A , C, E, phospholipids, sterols, tannins.
How to use?
The parts used are the fruit, completely ripe dried in the sun, whose taste is a mixture of sour, sweet, salty, warm and bitter flavors; and the seeds, also from the sour, sweet and salty flavor. This unusual combination of flavors is reflected in its Chinese name wu-wei-zi, which means “fruit of five flavors”.
Herbal preparations based on Schisandra, obtained with Schisandra Chinensis Extract and fresh powder, are used as adaptogens for their antioxidant effects and to increase energy. The fruit helps to protect the liver from toxins.
It is used to treat coughs, asthma, insomnia, stress, chronic diarrhea, nocturnal and spontaneous sweats, premature ejaculation, thirst, impotence, physical exhaustion and excessive diuresis.
Decoction of schisandra: pour 200 ml of water and a spoonful of schisandra into a container. Boil it for 10 minutes. Turn off and leave to infuse for 10 minutes (stirring occasionally), filter, sweeten to taste. How to use: 1 to 2 cups a day, preferably in the morning and early afternoon.
Contraindications of Schisandra
Possible contraindications, although rare, may be upset stomach, decreased appetite, urticaria. It could also cause, occasionally, gastric burning, and gastric acidity.
Caution in people suffering from reflux oesophagitis, or in the presence of peptic ulcer, in those suffering from epilepsy, high blood pressure and intracranial hypertension. Caution during pregnancy and lactation (do not take unless advised by your doctor).
Description of the plant
Schisandra Chinensis Extract (Schisandra chinensis) belongs to the Schisandracee family. The name means “seed of the five flavors”. The Schisandra chinensis is a climbing plant with a woody stem with a very contained, non-invasive structure, but if left to vegetate freely, it can even reach ten meters in height.
It has thick deciduous, pointed, medium-small, slightly fleshy leaves of a beautiful bright light green color with marked ribs that accentuate the beauty of the whole and a characteristic petiole which, when young, is red, while in autumn, before the fall, take on a pleasant yellow-orange color. The fruits are berries that when they mature are red.


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