Chlamyhyaluronic Acid Sodium Salt Used In Medical Treatments: The Advantages

Injections for treating of osteoarthritis contain Chlamyhyaluronic acid sodium salt solution as the intra-articular acid injection fluid. We often ask about its effectiveness on treating the hip joints as well as ankle joints also.
Hyaluronic acid fluid for injection is not certified for the treatment of hips and knees and other joints. But there is a practice of using it off the record by the doctors globally on their patients. Many health insurance companies consider the use of Chlamyhyaluronic acid sodium salt solution for the treatment of any joints other than knee as an investigational case and medically unnecessary. The success of Chlamyhyaluronic acid sodium salt solution injections was rare for the treatment of hip.
The ineffectiveness of Hyaluronic acid for the treatment of osteoarthritis of hips
Hyaluronic acid can protect the cartilage and might reduce the secretion and activity of chemicals which cause inflammation like matrix metalloproteinases and proinflammatory mediators. A single injection of hyaluronic acid is ineffective than the placebo. The reason is that hyaluronic acid clears off from the joints in a rapid way. An efficient and effective work of the disc supplement needs more in injecting of it.
Also ruled out for the treatment of knee
A review of around 76 studies worldwide, it is concluded that the effective results of hyaluronic acid in the treatment of osteoarthritis reduced in patients. A decrease in the pain was observed but the standard required for its effectiveness for the ailment was not evident. The pain reducing factor did not last long.
The difference between salt and sodium when used in medical science
By the definition, salt is an ionic compound which is formed by a reaction of an acid and bas. Generally, it refers to the table used for the consumption. Table salt contains sodium, but not all sodium compounds are salt.
Sodium is a reactive element by the definition of chemistry. Since it is highly reactive, it is not available in nature in free. When mixed with water, it has intense combustion. Sodium is essential for the human diet, but never consume it in a pure state.
Sodium for the human body
Sodium transmits impulses to nerve and is found each and every cell of the human body. The balance of other ions and sodium regulates the blood pressure.
The amount of sodium in table salt
Always take care of the intake of sodium for your body because a large amount of it can result in harmful reactions resulting in various diseases. To reduce the intake of sodium, you should reduce the intake of salt in your daily diet. Foods of daily consumption of bread, processed meats, poultry, pizza, sandwiches, soups, snack foods, pasta cooked in salted water and cheese have a high amount of salt and uncontrolled consumption of these foods can cause inflammation and another discomfort in your body. Sodium is used in all these foods as a preservative.So, high amount sodium can also result in excessive thinning of the blood.
Hyaluronic acid present in the human body
The presence of hyaluronic acid in the human body is a natural phenomenon. It is a type of polysaccharide, a molecule of carbohydrate. It occurs in skin, joints, and in eye fluids, in a very high concentration. Its main function is to lubricate the joints, eyes and also the skin.
Usage of Chlamyhyaluronic acid sodium salt in the supplements
Hyaluronic acid is added to dietary supplements for aged people because their body’s acid level hit bottom as they get older. Hyaluronic acid in supplements has proved to be efficient as the cure of health related issues.
The reason for its usage as supplement for elders
Most common use of the supplements containing Chlamyhyaluronic acid sodium salt same konw as hyaluronic acid is to cure the pain of osteoarthritis. When combined with chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine, the hyaluronic acid proved to be a great cure for pain from arthritis.
The side effects of hyaluronic acid based supplements
Hyaluronic acid supplements come with the following ailments, viz; insomnia, fibromyalgia, severe pain and fatigue.
These although, are said to increase the bone density, sexual functions and also protects against osteoporosis.
Many cosmetic companies have added the hyaluronic acid in their moisturizing products so that it can improve the skin conditions. The topical application of the chemical can reverse the signs of aging too.


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