Prunus armeniaca extract Amygdalin: Makes Natural Defence to Work Better
Amygdalin is a poisonous element which is found in almost many plant plants. It is a composition of cyanogenic glycoside. It is mainly found in the seeds or the kernels of bitter alomonds, apricots, apple, peach and plum. It has been right from the early stage of 1950s that both amygdalin and its modified form known as the laetrile have been promoted as the alternative cancer treatments. It is often used by the misnomer Vitamin B. On the other hand the researchers have found them to be clinically ineffective for the treatment of cancer along with a potential toxic or lethal element when it is taken by mouth mainly due to the reason of cyanide poisoning. It has been stated that neither amygdalin nor laetrile is a vitamin. It has been duly stated that the main promotion and the usage of the laetrile in order to treat the cancer has been practically referred to as the canonical example of quackery in the history of medical literature. And also as the most sophisticated and...